F. Lepreti, V. Carbone, E. Pietropaolo, G.
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F. Lepreti, P.C. Fanello, F. Zaccaro, and V.
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from H-alpha flares", Solar Physics, 197, 149-156
F. Lepreti, V. Carbone, and P. Veltri, "Solar
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F.Lepreti, "Anomalous scaling laws of
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F. Berrilli, G. Consolini, E. Pietropaolo, B.
Caccin, V. Penza, and F. Lepreti, "2-D multiline spectroscopy of the
solar photosphere", Astronomy and Astrophysics, 381,
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V. Carbone, F. Lepreti, L. Primavera, E.
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Bruno, A. Vecchio, and P. Veltri, "An analysis of the vertical
photospheric velocity field as observed by THEMIS'', Astronomy
and Astrophysics, 381, 265-270 (2002).
V. Carbone, R. Cavazzana, V. Antoni, L.
Sorriso-Valvo, E. Spada, G. Regnoli, P. Giuliani, N. Vianello, F.
Lepreti, R. Bruno, E. Martines, and P. Veltri, "To what extent can
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A. Pontieri, F. Lepreti, L. Sorriso-Valvo, A.
Vecchio, and V. Carbone, "A simple model for the solar cycle", Solar
Physics, 213, 195-201 (2003).
V. Carbone, F. Lepreti, and P. Veltri, "Barriers
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in plasmas'', Physics of Plasmas, 11, 103-109
- L. Vlahos, H. Isliker, and F. Lepreti, "Particle acceleration
in an evolving network of Unstable Current Sheets", Astrophysical
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- V. Carbone, R. Bruno, L. Sorriso-Valvo, and F. Lepreti, "Intermittency
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- F. Lepreti, V. Carbone, P. Giuliani, L. Sorriso-Valvo, and P.
Veltri, "Statistical properties of dissipation bursts within
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F. Lepreti, V. Carbone, G. Consolini, F.
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"Power spectra and multifractal structure of the intensity
in the solar photosphere'', in Magnetic Fields and Solar
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F. Lepreti, B.Bavassano, F.Berrilli, R.Bruno,
V.Carbone, G.Consolini, and E.Pietropaolo, "Scaling behavior of the
vertical velocity field and of the intensity field in the solar
photosphere'', in Advances in Turbulence, Proceedings of
the 8th European Turbulence Conference, C. Dopazo Ed., CIMNE
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F. Lepreti, V. Carbone, and P. Veltri, "An
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M.Velli, G. Einaudi, C. Chiuderi, P. Veltri,
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P. Londrillo, F. Rappazzo, L. Del Zanna, S. Landi, F. Malara, V.
Carbone, G. Zimbardo, L. Primavera, A. Greco, L. Sorriso-Valvo, P.
Pommois, F. Lepreti, "Nonlinear processes in heliospheric plasma:
models and observations'', Memorie della Società
Astronomica Italiana, 74, 425-429
V. Carbone, L. Sorriso-Valvo, F. Lepreti, P.
Veltri, R. Bruno, "Intermittency of turbulence in the solar wind'',
SOLAR WIND TEN: Proceedings of the Tenth International Solar
Wind Conference, M. Velli, R. Bruno, F. Malara Eds., AIP Conference
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F. Lepreti, V. Carbone, P. Veltri, P.
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properties of soft X-ray solar flares'', SOLAR WIND TEN:
of the Tenth International Solar Wind Conference, M. Velli, R.
F. Malara Eds., AIP Conference Proceedings 679, 774-777 (2003).
F. Lepreti, V. Carbone, P. Giuliani, P.
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properties of solar X-ray flares'', Memorie della
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Italiana, 74, 655-658 (2003).